art in nature — A Sacramental Life — Tamara Hill Murphy
Posts tagged art in nature
Sabbath Daybook: a good day for a ramble
WALKING EPIPHANY in Juneau, AK: neighborhood notes from Wendy Wall
Autumn Daybook for A Walk in the Woods [look. listen. make. do. ]
{pretty, happy, funny, real} - fall is for leaves, football and parrots (?!?)
Autumn Daybook for Leaf Peeping [look. listen. make. do.]
Tamara Hill MurphyAutumn Daybook, [Look.Listen.Make.Do.], art in nature, art of crafting, autumn, installation art, links, playlist, poetry, rilke, roadtrip, television, video
Take Up Something New: plant a flower garden (Laurel Rudd)
7 Quick Takes: a day at Laity Lodge, Kendra turns 17, making stuff at SXSW and more!
Tamara Hill Murphy7 quick takes, Christ Church, Kendra, Laity Lodge, art in nature, david taylor, family, installation art, jim janknegt, video
Buy More Art: support Matthew Clark's Bright Came the Word from His Mouth, buy art for Sandy recovery, Songs for Liturgy from Cardiphonia plus bonus "Poem Forest"
You don't have to be a worship leader to worship God in the mall parking lot
Writing, Spiritual PracticesTamara Hill Murphya year with god, art in nature, disciplines, every common bush afire with God, family, frederick buechener, gratitude, photo diaries, prayer, worship
Monday Mixtape: [don't mess with Texas rainstorms edition]
Tamara Hill MurphyAndrew, Easter, art in nature, films, installation art, links, liturgical art, monday mix tape, music, poetry, sylvia plath, visual art