films — A Sacramental Life — Tamara Hill Murphy
Weekend 3 for 3: the Movement , not a Moment edition
Weekend Top 10, 3 for 3, Best of... lists, Spiritual Practices, Creators & Cultivators, Peace & JusticeTamara Hill Murphyweekend, Weekend Top 10, links, justice, films, Neighborhood, Bridgeport, Patreon
3 for 3: the I love you edition
3 for 3, Best of... lists, Creators & Cultivators, Wholeness & Healing, Peace & JusticeTamara Hill Murphyweekend, Weekend Top 10, links, justice, films, pentecost, COVID-19, finding Tamara, mental illness
Weekend Top 10: Learning to Share My Voice edition
Weekend Top 10: Winter morning light edition
Weekend Daybook: All the Company of Heaven edition
Weekend Daybook, Creators & Cultivators, Best of... lists, Church CalendarTamara Hill Murphylinks, The Porters Gate, music, All Saints and Souls, autumn, grief, lament, worship, On Becoming Anglican, david taylor, television, films
Weekend Daybook: breaking of bread edition
Weekend Daybook: joy in the tension edition
Best of... lists, Weekend Daybook, Creators & Cultivators, Wholeness & HealingTamara Hill Murphylinks, vocation, photo diaries, fam, healing, brid, Friendship, book lists, films
7 quick & cozy takes
Best of March & April
Best of... listsTamara Hill Murphybooks, music, links, podcasts, lists, reading, television, films, From the book pile 2017, from the book pile 2017
Best of February
Best of... lists, From the Book PileTamara Hill Murphyreading, from the book pile 2017, links, films, television, music, podcasts, Think Christian, writing, playlist, Notes 2017
Best of January
Best of... listsTamara Hill Murphyreading, television, books, films, writing, links, music, playlist, Notes 2017, From the book pile 2017, from the book pile 2017
What I'm Into Lately (January 2016 edition)
Best of... lists, Creators & CultivatorsTamara Hill MurphyAustin Nice to Meet You, Friendship, What I'm Into Lately 2016, art of homemaking, books, community, films, food, links, music, podcasts, roadtrip, television, video
The Giant List of What I Was Into: 2015
Tamara Hill MurphyWhat I'm Into Lately 2015, art of homemaking, books, community, films, links, music, roadtrip, television, visual art
This is why I broke a promise to myself on Facebook
7 quick takes on 7 links I can't stop thinking about this week
What I'm Into: May
What I'm Into - February-April edition
What I'm Into: January 2015
The Giant List of What I'm Into: 2014
Sewing hope with Sister Rosemary Nyirumbe [sharing at Think Christian]