art of homemaking — A Sacramental Life — Tamara Hill Murphy
Posts tagged art of homemaking
Practice Resurrection with Micah Thompson (Hinesburg, VT)
Weekend Daybook: the welcoming each other edition
Best of... lists, Weekend Daybook, Creators & Cultivators, Peace & Justice, Wholeness & HealingTamara Hill Murphylinks, 7 quick takes, justice, finding Tamara, lament, liturgy of life, art of homemaking
7 quick & cozy takes
A few simple ways to decorate for Advent
What I'm Into Lately (January 2016 edition)
Best of... lists, Creators & CultivatorsTamara Hill MurphyAustin Nice to Meet You, Friendship, What I'm Into Lately 2016, art of homemaking, books, community, films, food, links, music, podcasts, roadtrip, television, video
WALKING EPIPHANY in Community First! Village (east Austin): neighborhood notes from Bethany Hebbard
The Giant List of What I Was Into: 2015
Tamara Hill MurphyWhat I'm Into Lately 2015, art of homemaking, books, community, films, links, music, roadtrip, television, visual art
The best cure for a hot head and a cold house
{pretty, happy, funny, real} in highs and lows and all hope
Welcome, Autumn Daybook [look. listen. make. do.]
Tamara Hill MurphyAutumn Daybook, [Look.Listen.Make.Do.], art of homemaking, autumn, earth's crammed with heaven, food, links, playlist, poetry, video
What I'm Into: May
Five Favorites: Paleo recipes my family loves
Pumpkin Chip Cookies On the First Day of School (the 2014 version)
Orange [#AUGUSTBREAK2014]
Take Up Something New: repurposing curb-side trash to furniture treasure (Glennon Interiors)
imagining home
7 Quick Takes: greeting Emmett, Brian's playdate, Kendra's tu-tu, screaming goats and more!
What I'm Into Lately, January 2013
Tamara Hill MurphyShannon Newby, What I'm Into Lately 2013, art of homemaking, films, finding Tamara, food, from the book pile 2013, links, music, pinterest, playlist, television, visual art
Monday Mixtape: WaterSky by Phil Keaggy, Evening Tide by Susan Schwake, Andy Palmer furniture and The Art of Breadmaking
Dying the Many Little Deaths of Ordinary Service