Image: Icon of Friendship

Spiritual Direction is one of those practices that is hard to describe. Though we try. I've lost count of the metaphors I've heard, and all of them fit, to a point, yet none of them are fully adequate. It's kind of like the way we try to use metaphors to describe mystical relationships like the Trinity, the Church, or parenting teenagers.

Unlike the nature of the Trinity, we can remove much of the mystery we use to describe spiritual direction. This is especially important because not all Spiritual Directors are trained in the same way and what we offer varies in some small and some more significant ways.

Sometimes it feels easier to say what a Spiritual Director doesn't do.

As a spiritual director, I don't offer counseling, therapy, pastoral care, mentorship, discipleship, solutions, or even direction! (This is a logical, but unfortunate misnomer.)

So what does a Spiritual Director do?

Here are a few phrases I've learned to describe what I do as a Spiritual Director:


When a directee makes an appointment, I commit to holding that hour of my month apart to focus on their spiritual questions, doubts, and desires. I offer a quiet, open-ended space for them to discern God's voice in their lives.


We often say that a spiritual director listens "in stereo". By listening at every level at once --the voices of the Holy Spirit, the directee, and their own soul, a spiritual director offers holistic hearing.


A Spiritual Director models the invitation of the Trinity who are present to each other and to us at all times. A Spiritual Director invites curiosity through evocative questions, restful silence, and contemplative companionship.


Spiritual direction is a ministry of holy listening. It is a space to co-discern the movements of God in our lives. Meeting once a month, month after month reveals patterns of God's active presence in a directee's life.


Many metaphors are used to describe what exactly a spiritual director does, but I describe my calling as bearing witness to the movements of God in another person's life. I offer a second set of eyes and ears to the work and voice of God.

Want to know more?

Use the contact form at the bottom of the page if you don’t find what you need in this list of frequently asked questions. I’m all ears!

Contact me for more information or to set up an initial appointment.

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Tamara is Selah fellow with Leadership Transformations’ Selah Certificate Program in Spiritual Direction.