Austin Nice to Meet You — A Sacramental Life — Tamara Hill Murphy
Posts tagged Austin Nice to Meet You
{pretty, happy, funny, real} birthdays, office lunches, Texas small towns and more!
What I'm Into Lately (January 2016 edition)
Best of... lists, Creators & CultivatorsTamara Hill MurphyAustin Nice to Meet You, Friendship, What I'm Into Lately 2016, art of homemaking, books, community, films, food, links, music, podcasts, roadtrip, television, video
{pretty, happy, funny, real} next in the Series of Fortunate Events, the Rehearsal Dinner!
Tamara Hill MurphyAlex, Austin Nice to Meet You, Rebekah, Wedding, community, family, food, hospitality, {pretty happy funny real}, Series of Fortunate Events
Thoughts on The Art of the Commonplace by Wendell Berry & Our Attempt to Love Texas
7 quick takes on (not-the-headlines) links actually interesting me right now
{pretty, happy, funny, real} daily bread
{pretty, happy, funny, real}
7 quick takes on 7 links I can't stop thinking about this week
What I'm Into: May
{pretty, happy, funny, real}
What I'm Into - February-April edition
7 quick takes: weekend of so many good things
WALKING EPIPHANY in Mueller, ATX: neighborhood notes from Stephen Henderson
WALKING EPIPHANY at Community First, ATX: neighborhood notes from Steven Hebbard
Epiphany, Creators & Cultivators, Peace & Justice, NeighborsTamara Hill MurphyAustin Nice to Meet You, creative space and places, creators and cultivators, epiphany, justice, neighborhood, walking epiphany 2015
7 quick takes from a cozy week in Austin (!) + other good things I found online
Tamara Hill Murphy7 quick takes, 9 to 5, Austin Nice to Meet You, books, cha-ching on a shoestring, david taylor, family, kaley, links, photo diaries
A theology of billboards, sharing today at Think Christian
Five Favorites: Texas outings with my parents +3 great links found online this week
Oh Lord you have searched me and known my love for thrift stores
7 quick takes: a house full of girls, we're going to NY and more!
8 lessons from 9 months doing stand up in Austin, TX [guest post by Andrew Murphy]