7 quick takes — A Sacramental Life — Tamara Hill Murphy
Posts tagged 7 quick takes
Weekend Daybook: the what-we-did-this-summer edition
Best of... lists, Weekend Daybook, Creators & Cultivators, Peace & Justice, Daily Work & CallingsTamara Hill Murphylinks, 7 quick takes, Bryan Stevenson, flannery, justice, summer, liturgy of life, vocation
Weekend Daybook: our son's the funniest person in Austin (and not only in our opinion) & more!
Weekend Daybook: listening, resting, reading, and practicing edition
Weekend Daybook: Candlemas & TGIFebruary edition
Weekend Daybook: the first of 2019 edition
Best of... lists, Weekend Daybook, Family, ChristmasTamara Hill MurphyWeekend Daybook, 7 quick takes, photo diaries, family, refugees, links, justice
Weekend Daybook: Thanksgiving & Advent edition
Weekend Daybook: the voting, hiking, praying edition
Best of... lists, Weekend Daybook, Creators & Cultivators, Peace & JusticeTamara Hill Murphy7 quick takes, photo diaries, autumn, Weekend Daybook, links, politics, justice
Weekend Daybook: thanking God for the artists and pastors edition
Weekend Daybook: the welcoming each other edition
Best of... lists, Weekend Daybook, Creators & Cultivators, Peace & Justice, Wholeness & HealingTamara Hill Murphylinks, 7 quick takes, justice, finding Tamara, lament, liturgy of life, art of homemaking
Weekend Daybook: Saint Francis, tomato harvests, and autumnal squirrels edition
7 quick & flowery takes
Best of... lists, 7 Quick Takes, Creators & Cultivators, Family, Peace & JusticeTamara Hill Murphylinks, 7 quick takes, photo stories, Natalie, Alex, spring, Connecticut, justice, Bryan Stevenson, podcasts, playlist, Christie Purifoy
7 Eastertide quick takes
7 Quick January Takes {weekend links}
7 celebratory quick takes
Advent, Best of... lists, LinksTamara Hill Murphy7 quick takes, Alex, Rebekah, wedding anniversary, Brian, photo diaries, thanksgiving, Christ the King sunday, links
7 thankful quick takes
7 November quick takes
a catch-up 7 quick takes
7 quick & cozy takes
7 quick end of September takes
Falling for fall in 7 quick takes