eugene peterson — A Sacramental Life — Tamara Hill Murphy
Posts tagged eugene peterson
Weekend Daybook: staying in church edition
Weekend Daybook, Best of... lists, Creators & Cultivators, ChurchTamara Hill MurphyChurch, Church of the Apostles, links, books, n.t. wright, eugene peterson, annie dillard, See Sacrament, dietrich bonhoeffer, autumn
Weekend Daybook: thanking God for the artists and pastors edition
Sabbath Daybook: a good day for a ramble
what I read in August & September [from the book pile: 2015]
Waiting for our next step
A few thoughts on the sacred practice of Sabbath in our lives right now
What I'm Into Lately, September 2013
Tamara Hill MurphyJason Harrod, What I'm Into Lately 2013, billy collins, books, eugene peterson, films, food, galleries, links, music, poetry, television
from the book pile, 2011: The Pastor: A Memoir by Eugene Peterson
from the book pile, 2011: Eugene Peterson, Madeleine L'Engle, Erin Bried
Transforming Culture Symposium #2: THE PASTOR