Sabbath Daybook: a good day for a ramble
I'm not sure how to say it without sounding obnoxious, but I am so happy to live in the Northeast during Autumn! You can state the obvious (which many are quick to do): winter's coming. I honestly don't care because I kind of like winter, too. We used our fireplace for the first time a couple of weeks ago, and I almost cried tears of joy.
We've enjoyed some of our first house guests from Austin in the past couple of weeks. We were so grateful for time to catch up on life and share our new neighborhood and church community with them. I've sort of lost track of when to share photos here on the blog, but if you're on the website you can see my Instagram feed over there on the sidebar.
Hoping for rest and beauty for you today, friends, wherever you happen to live.
p.s., I'm aware we've experienced a major national event this week. Please don't mistake my silence as apathy. I am processing deeply, and have so many, many thoughts. I don't know if I'm supposed to articulate any of them in this format. For now, I prepare for Advent with a troubled heart, which the season is especially suited to handle. Join us, won't you?
Here are a few photos from our ramble in the woods on Veteran's Day: (Pequonnock River Trail, Trumball, CT)
For a minute on Friday, we were surrounded by so many sun-drenched pink leaves (sumac, maybe?), it seemed they were actually lit from within. The whole time we were walking I was reminded of what Susan Fenimore Cooper wrote in her 19th century nature journal, Rural Hours -- especially the line, "Such is Autumn: prodigal in her magnificence, scattering largesse with a liberal hand..."
“The woods are very fine, under the cloudy sky, to-day. Scarlet, crimson, pink, and dark red increasing rapidly - gaining upon the yellows. So much the better; seasons where yellow prevails are far from being our finest autumns. The more crimson and scarlet we have to blend with the orange and straw colors, the gayer we are. Still, this seems rather a yellow year... some which were red last year may be yellow this autumn, and others which were dull russet may be bright gold color. The other day we found a wood-path strewed, at one spot, with pink aspen-leaves; but the general color of this tree is a decided yellow, nor do I ever remember to have seen its foliage pink before this instance; still there was no mistake about the matter, the leaves belonged to the large aspen, and they were clearly pink. They looked, however, as if they had first turned yellow, and then a coat of rich warm lake had been laid on afterward. Maples frequently go through the same process.
Some of the oaks are turning deep red, others scarlet. The ashes are already dark purple. But while most of the foliage is gaining in brilliancy, bare limbs are already seen here and there; the Virginia creepers are all but leafless, so are the black walnuts; and the balm of Gilead poplar is losing its large leaves. Such is Autumn: prodigal in her magnificence, scattering largesse with a liberal hand, she is yet careless, and regardless of finish in the lesser details; she flings cloth of gold over the old chestnut, blighted garland of russet upon the forgotten aspen, still green. Spring has a dainty hand, a delicate pencil; no single tree, shrub, plant, or weed, is left untouched by her; but Autumn delights rather in the breadth and grandeur of her labors, she is careless of details. Spring works lovingly - Autumn, proudly, magnificently.”
Have you taken a good ramble lately? Any chance you can make that happen today? I promise you won't regret it. Here's a sweet printable to help you identify leaves.
If you must read the internet, may I suggest the following? (Maybe save the political post links until Monday?)
The two political posts I've found to be the most helpful, post-election: President-Elect Donald Trump via Geopolitical Futures (thanks to my friend Laura for recommending) and 4 Problems Associated With White Evangelical Support of Donald Trump via The Gospel Coalition
The political speech I found most helpful pre-election: A Generation-Defining Speech By A Conservative Religious Leader That Is Good News For All (the post is fine, but don't miss the video link for Russell Moore's speech) via On Being with Krista Tippett
Wendell Berry to the Rescue: Reading Poetry In An Age of Angry Rhetoric | I'm not sure angry rhetoric is unique to our age, but we have achieved greater technological capacities to spew it. My friend Ellen sent me this link, and it was a beautiful reminder of the power of beautiful words. via Missio Alliance
Eugene Peterson - On Scripture, Art and Life | In honor of another beautiful word-smith's birthday, here's a collection of brief video clips. via Englewood Review of Books
#booksellersbreakfast | If you like Instagram, books and breakfast, you'll love this. via @addymanbooks on IG
from the archives:
A Discussion on Hallelujah - part 1 - part 2 - part 3 (2007) | This feels a bit like letting you peek inside my highschool diary because I wrote it sooo long ago - back in the beginning of this blog. I was stumbling around in a new room of understanding about art and faith. Since the masterful troubadour, Leonard Cohen passed away at age 82, this week, I thought it'd be worth the trip down memory lane. May Mr. Cohen now know a complete and unbroken hallelujah. Amen.