pinterest — A Sacramental Life — Tamara Hill Murphy
A few simple ways to decorate for Advent
What I've Been Into Lately, October edition
Tamara Hill MurphyWhat I'm Into Lately 2013, books, creators and cultivators, family, food, links, music, photography, pinterest, poetry
What I'm Into Lately, May & June 2013
What I'm Into Lately, April 2013
your photo stories to Practice Resurrection (week 1)
What I'm Into Lately, March 2013
Tamara Hill MurphyAustin Nice to Meet You, What I'm Into Lately 2013, books, films, food, from the book pile 2013, links, mary oliver, pinterest, poetry, television, visual art
What I'm Into Lately, February 2013
Tamara Hill MurphyWhat I'm Into Lately 2013, books, films, food, from the book pile 2013, links, music, pinterest, television, visual art
What I'm Into Lately, January 2013
Tamara Hill MurphyShannon Newby, What I'm Into Lately 2013, art of homemaking, films, finding Tamara, food, from the book pile 2013, links, music, pinterest, playlist, television, visual art
Buy More Art: support Matthew Clark's Bright Came the Word from His Mouth, buy art for Sandy recovery, Songs for Liturgy from Cardiphonia plus bonus "Poem Forest"
A Parenting Unrehearsed commercial interruption
Monday Mixtape: Labor Day Party-in-a-Post
Monday Mixtape: 5(+) selections inspired by summer fireflies
Monday Mixtape: 5 selections of art that help us tell the Olympic stories
Will You Be My Tribe? (part 5)
Will you be my tribe? (part 4)
Monday Mixtape: 4th of July Party-in-a-Post
Monday Mixtape: 5 Art Selections on the Story of Home
Tamara Hill Murphyart of homemaking, community, creative space and places, films, hospitality, installation art, links, monday mix tape, music, pinterest, video
Monday Mixtape: [secret trees edition]
Tamara Hill Murphyandrew shipman, films, links, luci shaw, monday mix tape, music, pinterest, poetry, video, visual art
Monday Mixtape: a Memorial Day party in a post
Monday Mixtape: [bookish-again]
Tamara Hill Murphybooks, creative space and places, creators and cultivators, every common bush afire with God, films, installation art, links, monday mix tape, music, pinterest, video, visual art