dance — A Sacramental Life — Tamara Hill Murphy
A Chronology of Paying Attention (13): the preacher's family is a dancing family
Five Favorites: Books I Read in March + great online finds this week
7 quick takes: throwing in the towel on my sinuses, summerer in Austin, unexpected mail and more!
What I'm Into Lately, May & June 2013
your photo stories to Practice Resurrection (week 5) + enter our giveaway!
the preacher's family is a dancing family
Take Up Something New: 12 crowd-pleasing dance moves I dare you to try
Just Move! (this week's giveaway + a double dog dare)
Monday Mixtape: 5 art selections celebrating the liturgy of family vacations
Tamara Hill MurphyBrian, Hill Family Vacation, creative space and places, dance, family, food, links, monday mix tape, photo diaries, photography, video, visual art
Monday Mix Tape & 7 Quick Takes mash up (the wedding and baby edition)
Monday Mixtape: Easter Monday
EastertideTamara Hill MurphyEaster, art of fashion, church calendar, color, dance, malcolm guite, monday mix tape, photography, poetry, visual art
Monday Mixtape: cleaning that shines
Tamara Hill Murphydance, epiphany, every common bush afire with God, installation art, monday mix tape, music, photography, poetry, prayer, television, video, visual art
Monday Mix Tape:becoming part of Christ Church
post script
Monday Mixtape [on Wednesday!]
Tamara Hill MurphyJason Harrod, art patronage, books, brian moss, community, creators and cultivators, dance, films, jim janknegt, links, luci shaw, monday mix tape, music, photo diaries, readers guild, robert farrar capon, visual art
Monday Mixtape [reveiw of 2009 edition]
Tamara Hill MurphyJason Harrod, Scott Erickson, books, brian moss, dance, earths crammed with heaven, family, films, kathleen norris, madeleine l'engle, monday mix tape, music, over the rhine, television, visual art
12 Days of Christmas: My Favorite Creators and Cultivators in 2008
Tamara Hill MurphyChristmas, Laurel Rudd, Union Center, andy palmer, art show on main, church calendar, community, creators and cultivators, dance, links, photo diaries, theatre, visual art