prayer — A Sacramental Life — Tamara Hill Murphy
Vernée Wilkinson's Work Stories: Making Space For God and Others
Part 2 of What I Read January - June: Spiritual Direction and Prayer category [from the book pile 2019]
Practice Resurrection with Jim Janknegt (Elgin, TX)
Practice Resurrection with Brendah Ndagire (Uganda)
Practice Resurrection: Feast on forgiveness
{pretty, happy, funny, real} in a season of abundant celebrations, part 1
7 quick takes on 7 links I can't stop thinking about this week
This is an opportunity to repent
Balancing vigilance and providence in the face of Ebola [sharing at Think Christian today]
7 melancholy blurbs + good links from this past week
5 Favorites: good news video clips that give me hope in our troubled world
A stream of consciousness post about shalom found in flat tires and graduation parties and daughter's tears and getting stranded and becoming a priest's wife and messy, broken love
Family, Writing, Wholeness & Healing, ChurchTamara Hill MurphyBrian, Christ Church, Church, community, finding Tamara, marriage, parenting, prayer
Diary of a camp counsellor [guest post from Natalie Murphy]
Summer of desperate rest
Practice Resurrection: full on forgiveness
Take Up Something New: prayer walk (Reverend David Murphy)
A Celtic Prayer for First Days of Important and Ordinary Things
You don't have to be a worship leader to worship God in the mall parking lot
Writing, Spiritual PracticesTamara Hill Murphya year with god, art in nature, disciplines, every common bush afire with God, family, frederick buechener, gratitude, photo diaries, prayer, worship
she writes
landing on our knees
Spiritual Practices, FamilyTamara Hill MurphyRichard Foster, T.S. Eliot, a year with god, disciplines, gratitude, music, prayer, study, worship