a year with god — A Sacramental Life — Tamara Hill Murphy
Posts tagged a year with god
How to Change Your Church's Worship Service
Writing, Spiritual Practices, ChurchTamara Hill MurphyChurch, Richard Foster, a year with god, annie dillard, community, disciplines, the sacred practice series, worship
You don't have to be a worship leader to worship God in the mall parking lot
Writing, Spiritual PracticesTamara Hill Murphya year with god, art in nature, disciplines, every common bush afire with God, family, frederick buechener, gratitude, photo diaries, prayer, worship
landing on our knees
Spiritual Practices, FamilyTamara Hill MurphyRichard Foster, T.S. Eliot, a year with god, disciplines, gratitude, music, prayer, study, worship
Monday Mix Tape: knowledge fruit
Spiritual Practices, Creators & CultivatorsTamara Hill MurphyCIVA, a year with god, disciplines, every common bush afire with God, hymns, kathleen norris, monday mix tape, music, poetry, study, visual art, worship
Monday Mixtape: beautiful minds
Best of... lists, Creators & CultivatorsTamara Hill MurphyRichard Foster, a year with god, brian moss, disciplines, every common bush afire with God, films, monday mix tape, music, poetry, study, visual art
Monday mixtape: becoming prayer
Best of... lists, Creators & Cultivators, Spiritual PracticesTamara Hill MurphyRichard Foster, a year with god, derek webb, disciplines, monday mix tape, music, photography, poetry, prayer, visual art