gratitude — A Sacramental Life — Tamara Hill Murphy
Lindy West, Barbara Brown Taylor, and Embracing Our God-Given Bodies [sharing at Think Christian today]
We're moving: a stream-of-consciousness reflection
When Christmas feasting becomes wedding feasting
{pretty, happy, funny, real} there's not much funny in being sick, but plenty of happy all the same
Autumn Daybook for Wood Cutting Days [look. listen. make. do. ]
My Friend A (also, M & L)
Writing, Friends, Wholeness & HealingTamara Hill MurphyAndrea, Friendship, MALT, community, gratitude, healing, poetry, writing
your Practice Resurrection photo stories [2015, vol. 3]
{pretty, happy, funny, real} - Easter Sunday
Thanksgiving party-in-a-post
Christmas confessions from an exhausted Dad {Brian's guest post}
we didn't get photos of the crying and the fighting, but there was a lot of good stuff too
7 Quick Takes: Thanksgiving links! Saturday in November comforts! your suggestions for Writer's Block and more!
Upon One Year in Austin
15 seconds of applause (or, Our Boy Graduates from High School)
You don't have to be a worship leader to worship God in the mall parking lot
Writing, Spiritual PracticesTamara Hill Murphya year with god, art in nature, disciplines, every common bush afire with God, family, frederick buechener, gratitude, photo diaries, prayer, worship
landing on our knees
Spiritual Practices, FamilyTamara Hill MurphyRichard Foster, T.S. Eliot, a year with god, disciplines, gratitude, music, prayer, study, worship
a house blessing for Epiphany
2011- A Year of Blessed
Tamara Hill MurphyChrist Church, Christmas, Murphys take Austin, Union Center, community, earth crammed with heaven, family, gratitude, links, photo diaries, worship
Good Tidings of Comfort and Joy
What my son taught me about parenting cliches