Scott Erickson — A Sacramental Life — Tamara Hill Murphy
Posts tagged Scott Erickson
Thursday is for Imperfect Prose: circling the presence
Monday Mixtape: [hopes-for-2011 edition]
Best of... lists, Creators & CultivatorsTamara Hill MurphyScott Erickson, Union Center, advent, art of design, books, church calendar, disciplines, family, finding Tamara, monday mix tape, music, over the rhine, parenting, visual art, worship, writing
Monday Mixtape [reveiw of 2009 edition]
Tamara Hill MurphyJason Harrod, Scott Erickson, books, brian moss, dance, earths crammed with heaven, family, films, kathleen norris, madeleine l'engle, monday mix tape, music, over the rhine, television, visual art
i surrender...