art of design — A Sacramental Life — Tamara Hill Murphy
Posts tagged art of design
5 favorites: surprise discoveries in May
What I'm Into Lately, August 2013
5 Stories of Re-purposed Public Space
Buy More Art: bragging on a few creators and cultivators in my family tree!
Buy More Art: new album releases from Raising Jane and Ordinary Neighbors, You Are Awesome: 21 Crafts to Make You Happy by Abbey Hendrickson
Monday Mixtape: 5 selections of art that help us tell the Olympic stories
Monday Mixtape: [hopes-for-2011 edition]
Best of... lists, Creators & CultivatorsTamara Hill MurphyScott Erickson, Union Center, advent, art of design, books, church calendar, disciplines, family, finding Tamara, monday mix tape, music, over the rhine, parenting, visual art, worship, writing
Monday Mixtape [the thrifty art patron edition]
Tamara Hill MurphyJason Harrod, Life Happens..., art of design, art patronage, books, creators and cultivators, every common bush afire with God, hospitality, links, monday mix tape