art of giving — A Sacramental Life — Tamara Hill Murphy
Posts tagged art of giving
Family liturgies for Christmas & my Mama's rule for feasting
Buy More Art: support Matthew Clark's Bright Came the Word from His Mouth, buy art for Sandy recovery, Songs for Liturgy from Cardiphonia plus bonus "Poem Forest"
Monday Mixtape :: 16 april (and a new look)
Tamara Hill MurphyChrist Church, art of giving, creative space and places, creators and cultivators, films, links, monday mix tape, music, poetry, video, visual art, wendell berry
Monday Mixtape: Advent 4
Tamara Hill Murphy58:, Andrew, advent, art of giving, church calendar, g.k. chesterton, humility, hymns, links, monday mix tape, music, visual art
Friday is for A New Way To Be Human: Couponing for Community