liturgy — A Sacramental Life — Tamara Hill Murphy
More Work Stories: bringing back a favorite for Ordinary Time
Practice Resurrection with Amanda McGill (Southwest Ohio)
Family liturgies for Christmas & my Mama's rule for feasting
5 favorite August reads and good stuff I read online this week
You're not too late: five ways to celebrate Advent starting anytime
On Becoming Anglican
Parenting Unrehearsed: Family liturgies for Christmas and my mama's rule for feasting
Parenting Unrehearsed: Family liturgies for Advent and a confession from an exhausted Dad at Christmas
Do you know why the Trinity matters in our worship?
Pentecost, Church Calendar, On Becoming Anglican, WritingTamara Hill Murphychurch calendar, films, liturgy, the way we worship together, video, visual art, worship
The Way We Worship Together: Easter Sunday, 2011