This is what we wait for. This is what comes.
UPDATE: I’ve moved the Daybook Meditations for the liturgical year to my new site:
Image: Messenger At Departure, Arcabas
Advent begins this Sunday, November 27. If you haven’t done anything yet to prepare, then you are exactly on schedule.
Advent means arrival and the season of Advent marks the days of waiting for arrival - first for the Messiah and now for the returning King. Only the best narrative can merge the cosmic and earthy plotlines of the first and second Advent. We keep trying to revise the story of Jesus’s first arrival to fit what we think we want: all the sentiment and none of the shock. We think we need our Christmas stories to soften the edges of a year full of cruel headlines disturbing our sleep. I’ve found the exact opposite to be true. I need every single verse the Church has curated in the daily Scripture readings of Advent — every grand and gory storyline of human desperation crashing into the embodied substance of God’s love. I need to hear it in every way possible — in the minor prophet’s weird metaphors, the psalmist’s poetry, and the Gospel writer’s prosaic details. I need to read the birth chronologies and the historical landmarks of one particular time and place so that I understand the ending of the story reaches all of us born in every time and place.
I need all of the messages God entrusted to the angels — the messages accompanied by fire and wind, whispers of new life, trumpets of apocalypse, and proclamation of peace on earth and goodwill to all humanity. This is how I become whole enough to receive all of the other stories crashing into my life for the rest of the year.
I need a story so grand, so real, that it reaches every part of myself - mind, heart, and body. I need all the disparate plotlines of what I know, feel and do to merge into a story I can actually live as one whole person making God visible in the world.
The true story of Advent helps me place my story alongside yours gathered up into God’s grand story.
This is your invitation to gather around the grand narrative each day of Advent. I’ve curated every element of each day’s meditation - the art, music, prayer, and spiritual practices - with one desire: to become wholly present in every place where God arrives.
You can join me in one or both options: a digital download of 29 meditations - one for each day leading to Christmas or a daily online post arriving in your email inbox. We were meant to live our stories together and I’d be delighted to have your company this Advent. Pay $5 a month for the email subscription (cancel whenever you’d like) or $10 for the one-time digital download.
I believe what I’m offering is a beautiful counterpoint to so many of the Advent resources available. If you feel unable to pay for the Advent Daybook, would you email me? I’ll give you a coupon code to receive the Advent Daybook for free — no questions asked.
A few pages from Advent Daybook 2022
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