(7 Quick Takes) from the past couple of weeks
What I've been up to lately: places, people, books, podcasts, music, links & more for your weekend downtime.
I spent a good part of August "unplugged", and have been putting this post together in bits and pieces for a few weeks. When I began writing it, we were all trying to process news about killing and acts of absolute racism in Charlottesville. This week, we're trying to make sense of Hurricane Harvey. May the Spirit of god lead us and guide us in discernment, prayer, and love for Him and for each other.
(1) "defining moment" sermon my husband preached
I was challenged, convicted, and comforted by the way Brian presented the "one side" of the Gospel response to the events in Charlottesville (and Boston). You can read his notes, and I recommend listening to the 25 minute presentation because you'll hear his heart on full display. I'm grateful to be a part of the congregation he shepherds.
Audio (25 minutes)
Note "On Current Events" (scroll to the August 23 post)
(2) statements on Charlottesville from U.S. Anglican leaders
On Charlottesville from Archbishop Foley Beach
The Charlottesville Statement from the Anglican Multiethnic Network
(3) books I'm reading
No Ordinary Time: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt: The Home Front in World War II by Doris Kearns Goodwin (This selection was inspired by my friend Krista's recent visit to Eleanor's home in Hyde Park, NY)
Life in the Dark: the Film Issue of Image Journal, Issue 93 guest edited by Gareth Higgins and Scott Teems
Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury
(4) words I want to describe me
"Honest and funny, gracious and provocative..."
That's what Brian prayed over me recently when I was struggling to meet a writing deadline and couldn't figure out how to say the right words. He prayed this over me, and I thought: "Ah! That's exactly how I want to be. I've been waiting 46 years to figure out how to describe the way I most want to be, and he just said it perfectly in this prayer!"
Since then, I've put the words in a place where I see them often as a reminder of his blessing.
How about you? What four words best describe the person you hope to be(come)?
(5) photos of the sweet staycation time we spent with 3 of our kids in August
Dinner at Captain's Cove Seaport, Bridgeport
Has any Dad ever looked happier with his daughters?
Rainy day trip into Brooklyn - Greenlight Bookstore
Andrew's 26th birthday dinner at Luigi's Italian in Fairfield
(6) blog posts from this week in the archives
2014 - My top 4 parenting epiphanies, OR My Child is Not My Property but My Guest (Each time one of my kids graduated from high school, I experienced the a few moments of parental clarity.)
2013 - What I'd Like My Son to Say to Me On His 22nd Birthday (Kids' birthdays give me parenting clarity, as well.)
2013 - Oh Lord, you have searched me and known my love for thrift stores ("How does it feel to hear that God knows you through and through?" And, no joke, I think about thrift stores.)
2012 - Parenting Unrehearsed: Your kids were supposed to have perfect parents (aka, Your Kids Were Supposed to Have Perfect Parents. You Were Supposed to Have Perfect Kids. You're All Plain Out of Luck.)
2012 - Parenting Unrehearsed: You kids are not fragile (aka, "Your Worst Case Scenarios Make Room for Sturdy Grace and Steady Love)
2006 - There Are No Words (The post in which I try to process the flood that destroyed our little hometown in New York state.)
(7) Race & Church & Media links
Untangling Race, Language and Culture in America by Anne Kennedy | via Preventing Grace at Patheos
So Much of the Privileged Life Is About Transcendence by Christina Cleveland | via On Being blog
On slavery: A time for atonement | via Aleteia
Reclaiming This Nation Begins With Reclaiming Our Attention by Courtney E. Martin | via On Being blog
Make America Again by Langston Hughes | via Topology Magazine
On Monument Wars and On Monument Wars, Revisited | via New City Commons
On Charlottesville - | via New City Commons
May your weekend include sunshine, beauty and a good laugh, friends. Peace...
p.s. This post may contain affiliate links because I'm trying to be a good steward, and when you buy something through one of these links you don't pay more money, but in some magical twist of capitalism we get a little pocket change. Thanks!