be believing (my stab at a poem)

re-posting from Easter week 2, 2011


Unschooled me trying to write poetic verse, I learn best by imitation.  Hoping it is still considered  bona fide flattery, this week I choose as tutor for my raggedy words Luci Shaw's Ascending.

be believing

(John 20:19-30)

Later on

that day / the dark room

was enough

to concoct buttoned down

in our minds.

While we lingered bolted-in

shut-up / You

breezed past barricade as One 

hole-pocked /  exhaling

absolution, a hot gust

peace be with you;

materializing new

as Yourself / awake & alive

after the woman's claim

you spoke her name.

afraid / our fingers

trace your split side

'til we inhale

Your closer breathing

our truer air.