Getting Ready for Sunday at Union Center: April 10, 2011
This Sunday marks the fifth Sunday of Lent, and the twenty-fifth week of our Story sermon series. Hopefully you've been reading along through the story of the Bible with us, but it's not too late to start! This week Pastor John will be taking us on a tour through Jesus' masterful story-telling (aka, parables), connecting the dots with a warning for us to have ears to hear the deeper truths within the story.
Don't forget, we'd love to hear how you've been impacted by this study through The Story. You can share with us how God's using the study in your life by emailing us at
Songs we’ll sing together include:
- Son of God We figured there was no better time to pull out this old Lincoln Brewster favorite than the weeks we are learning the life of the Son of God. Listen to the song on YouTube.
- Give Reviving
We'll continue our forty-day prayer journey for our city through the prayers written in Seek God for the City. This week we are asking God for confident gladness in the midst of chaos and turmoil. This song asks God for refreshing and we'll sing it as a prayer . Listen to a sample of the song on iTunes. Read the lyrics by 19th century hymn-writer Albert Midlane and altered by 21st century singer/songwriter, Chelsey Scott.
- Marvelous Light In Christ, "every Sunday is a weekly little Easter" (James F. White). We celebrate that "sin has lost its power, death has lost its sting" because "from the grave You've risen, victoriously!" Listen to the song at
See you Sunday!