two more days until the next gathering of the Endwell Readers Guild!

It took an emergency surgery and a week of convalescence to finally sit down with this book.  I'd been saving it as a treat until after I finished a final exam and ten-page paper for the class I'm taking.  Since the gall bladder attack came right in the middle of doing classwork I've got a little grudge against it right now (that, and my sister-in-law's delicious, but ill-timed, tortilla soup).  So I put my textbooks in the corner, gave them a cold shoulder and picked up this bright and homey read instead.

If you're joining us this month for the Endwell location of the IAM Reader's Guild, we're looking forward to hearing what you thought about the reading.  Also, did you sample some of the author's recipes?!?  If you can't join us, but you've read the book, leave some comments here.  I'll add my review for the IAM blog later next week.

Here's the details for you local readers:
Tuesday, February 23, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Erin McMahon's house, 3619 Watson Blvd., Endwell
please RSVP in the comment section of this post or via email: tmurphyATunioncenterDOTorg
bring your book, your copy of the discussion guide, and a small snack or beverage to share

Next month we dive into some fiction from revered and oft-misunderstood author Flannery O'Connor -- The Violent Bear It Away.  I spent quite a bit of last year trying to understand and appreciate this eccentric and devoted woman.  I'm so eager to share this reading experience with friends.  If you plan to read this book during the month of March -- whether you are able to join us in person or not, tell me that in a comment on this post and on Saturday, February 28 I'll draw one name at random for a free book.