![lens2153864_1235854135God_Answers_Prayer_Gift_Plaque Christian Kitsch](http://jeffberryman.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/lens2153864_1235854135god_answers_prayer_gift_plaque.jpg?w=250&h=260)
Christian Kitsch
Here’s another interesting review of Robert Scruton’s book Beauty. This time the subject is high art’s trashy cousin, kitsch. Robert Fulford, of the National Post, doesn’t really let on whether he agrees with Scruton’s didsdain of kitsch or not, be he does a nice job of summarizing the issue. On the essence of kitsch: “an imitation of human feeling wrapped in a thick layer of cuteness.” On the problem of kitsch: “Kitsch encourages us to dwell on our own satisfactions and anxieties; it tells us to be pleased with what we have always felt and known. It reaches us at the level where we are easiest to please, a level requiring a minimum of mental effort.” And in contrast with beauty:
At the other end of the scale (from art and beauty), kitsch (“that peculiar disease that we can instantly recognise but never precisely define, and whose Austro-German name links it to the mass movements and crowd sentiments of the 20th century”) degrades beauty through the Disneyfication of art. Kitsch trivializes human conflict and demotes feeling into bathos. It’s a mould that forms, as Scruton says, over a living culture.
What’s behind this sort of thinking is the notion that in an encounter with art,...read more...