Fourth Sunday of Easter: Good Shepherd
Happy Resurrection Day, friends! May you know new life, peace, and hope today, tomorrow, and forever. Easter Sunday kicks off a seven-week festival called Eastertide or The Great Fifty Days.
Read all the way to the end of the post for a way you can help us practice resurrection!
Look: Good Shepherd, Julien Dupre (French, 1851-1910) - Source
Read more about this painting.
Listen: I Shall Not Want, written by David Taylor & Paul Zach, performed by Krista Vossler & Andrew Del Rio - YouTube
Read: Acts 2:42-47; Psalm 23; 1 Peter 2:19-25; John 10:1-10
Pray: Book of Common Prayer, Collect for Fourth Sunday in Easter
O God, whose Son Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd of your people: Grant that, when we hear his voice, we may know him who calls us each by name, and follow where he leads; who, with you and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Do: Send me a photo and caption of yourself practicing resurrection.
She *wanted* to read to him! ☺️😍☺️
In English and in Spanish!
She's reading in English and Spanish!!
You guys, this has been a hard journey and seeing huge progress could make me sob for days. So grateful!!
- Alicia Nichols, Maryland
110 people. 110 people have helped raise over $16,000 to help our team RIGHT now (as in this very moment) respond to the food needs of incredible but suffering people living in the communities we serve in Lazaro Cardenas. This is the first step of a 6-month plan our student leaders have to impact their towns. This is what we have been working for over the last 6 years - and this is what we will continue to do.
Give big, bold for the future of our students and their families. Join us. Hands Offering Hope, Covid-19 Response Fund
- Amy Dominguez, Connecticut
Our next door neighbor’s little girls came up with this entrance into one of our trails, so thoughtful and sweet.
- Amy McLaughlin, Texas
Thanks to Cherie Lowe for the idea to make sidewalk chalk paint. It’s super easy: mix 2 tbsp cornstarch, 1/4 cup water and a few drops food coloring (we made a couple batches of each). It paints on thin at first but dries like chalk.
We recommend holding paper bowls down with a weight so they don’t fly away in a sudden gust of wind splattering paint everywhere. Just in case. 😊
- Kaley Ehret, Pennsylvania
Sunday Beach Day! So thankful to live here.
“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” – John Muir
“If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.” Vincent Van Gogh
- Wendy Van Hart, Alaska
Interestingly our plan to make Resurrection rolls (we had to improvise some ingredients) coincided with the art class assignment of making salt dough! So today we had some fun in the kitchen!
- Amy Willers, Connecticut
Note: You can see Audrey's recommended Resurrection Rolls in our Eastertide guidebook for this week. See below!
I have shared many photos of this cross on FB over the course of the past couple of years, and they're all beautiful. But this is what I consider "the Easter morning cross." I shared this photo with the clergy of our Diocese yesterday, encouraging them to hold it before themselves (and if they want, before their congregations) at the right time this week. It is an unretouched photo from our family home on the North Carolina coast taken by my good friend, and our Director of Operations, Ben Bowman. May the Lord use it to help us all keep our mind on the coming Day. Romans 8:22-25.
- Bishop Steve & Sally Breedlove, photo taken by Ben Bowman, North Carolina
Eastertide 2020: A guidebook to help us practice resurrection together: I'm excited to offer you a brand new resource I've created along with Brian and the Children's Ministry Director for our church (and fellow patron!), Amy Willers.
While we created this for our church family, I'm extending the invitation to the Sacramental Life Patreon community as well. You can print out the pdf or use it digitally. We'll be updating each Sunday at Church of the Apostles' homepage.
There are several prompts for sharing photos that you can send to me at
The guidebook is a helpful, shelter-in-place supplement to our regular Eastertide list: 50 ways to Practice Resurrection during the 50 days of Eastertide!
Choose 1 idea or 50, but whatever you do, do it with gusto! (and send me a photo)
I look forward to hearing from you!
p.s. You can read here for a brief description of the liturgical season of Eastertide, and see previous Eastertide posts here.