Your Practice Resurrection photo stories [2017, vol. 2]
For the next five weeks (from now until Pentecost), will you join me in feasting on Resurrection goodness in our everyday lives?
I love the beautiful photo stories you've shared about the ways you've been able to practice resurrection the past couple of weeks. Each one represents a moment (or more) you've made, in the words of Eugene Peterson, "the deliberate decision to believe in and participate in resurrection life." Thank you for welcoming us to celebrate these moments with you, friends.
Here's a list I made to help us stay present to the celebration of Eastertide: 50 ways to Practice Resurrection during the 50 days of Eastertide. Whether you use one of these ideas or something else entirely, I'd love to hear about it! (See the bottom of the post for several options for sharing your photos and captions with me.)
Now on to this week's stories!
go here To read about jen's lament of lydia's life and god's comfort in her grief.
“Remembering our sweet Lydia who left us seven years ago today. Levi asked to make something special to take to the cemetery and chose painted stones. The words he wanted written (he really came up with them himself) echo our prayer - “Holy Christ, we love You and we love Lydia. We hope we get to see Lydia again.” I would only edit slightly to say because of the Christ we love (who we know loves Lydia too) we KNOW we will see her again. ”
@Maplehurstgardens on IG
“The ‘William Baffin’ rose around the vegetable garden is beginning to bloom. Also, I’ve discovered that neatly mulching my garden paths with straw may be the key to growing food: I actually want to be in this space now. Apparently I avoid garden chores when the space feels messy and overwhelming.
Yesterday, I:
• Planted out my marigold seedlings. I concentrated them in the beds where I’ll plant tomatoes.
• Planted a few nasturtium seedlings. I love ‘Salmon Gleam’.
• Potted up a new rose: an antique called ‘Gruss an Aachen.’”
@WirelessHogan on IG
“Last week our daughter Shandíín really wanted to go kayaking for her birthday. But on her actual birthday it was raining. So today, in beautiful 80 degree weather, we took the family kayaking. It was a beautiful day on the Potomac. Creator Ahé’hee.”
“The splendor of the King, clothed in majesty
Let all the earth rejoice
All the earth rejoice
He wraps himself in Light, and darkness tries to hide
And trembles at His voice
Trembles at His voice
“Rainy days often inspire me to wear black. Today I decided to practice resurrection. Rain means life; that’s worth having hope. Life for not only pretty flowers, but plants and crops that give us sustenance”
“There are some wonderful perks about living in Chapel Hill. Monday morning Sabbath Day walk - 63 degrees, Bolin Creek Trail, owls hooting in the woods.”
“I want to practice redemption even in my odd moments and free hours.
Learning to make use of little bits and pieces, to glean scraps and make beautiful things, is one way to do that. A pincushion reminds of this wisdom. And these fabric yo-yos might become a pillow, or a bag, or a sweet hairpin, but for now they simply remind me not to be hasty in tossing something out. ”
“This view is unique to Black Rock and I’m so grateful for it in every season, but especially Spring.”
“Love and peace, Bridgeport.”
Now it's your turn. Who wants to join us?
Three steps to contribute your photo story (after reading the Wendell Berry poem here).
1. Add something to your day that helps you practice resurrection (one day or fifty days doesn't matter).
2. Take a picture and write a description in 1-50 words.
3. Share it with me via an email, Facebook, or Instagram (you can tag me with @asacramentallife or use the #PracticeResurrection2017 hashtag.) I'll share some of your photo-stories with everyone here each week