Weekend Daybook: I've got plenty to be thankful for edition
Seven days of collecting what I've been up to lately: places, people, books, podcasts, music, links & more for your weekend downtime.
(1) photo from this week
Thanksgiving Day, 2018
Can you even believe these are our people? We weren’t in Austin for Thanksgiving, but a giant part of my heart was there. How can I calculate the value of friends who become family and gather my brood as if they were their own? That’s exactly what our daughter-in-law Rebekah’s parents, Bernie & Jodi, did for our kids. Not only did they feed my children on Thanksgiving but Jodi took some dang good photographs as a bonus!
(2) new blog posts from this week
Glad Thanksgiving (I’m so grateful for you all! You can see all Thanksgiving posts from previous years here.)
Savior King (A post for Christ the King Sunday. You can see all the previous years’ posts for celebrating this final Sunday of Ordinary Time here.)
(3) updates for my internet homes
I’ve added a Tip Jar to my blog page. Would you consider helping to support my work here? Picture the little jar at your favorite coffee shop and that I’m adding a sweet froth to your favorite beverage each time we meet here. Every little bit is appreciated!
A linktree for @a_sacramental_life on Instagram: Finally! Here’s an easier way to specific links through the blog’s Instagram page.
Advent Daybook 2018 subscription: You may have noticed a little pop-up box when you visit the blog. If you don’t receive blog posts via email already, Advent is a great time to start!
(4) photos from my spiritual direction residency in North Carolina
In mid-November I attended my second-to-last residency for my spiritual direction certification. We met at the lovely St. Francis Springs Prayer Center in North Carolina. I only managed to get photos of one of my walks through the woods (which included a prayer labryinth and chapel). My friend Amy got a few of actual people so I’ve borrowed from her one of a few of us on our last morning together.
Only one more residency to go before we graduate. All the normal bittersweet feelings seem to be queuing up for that time. I’m forever grateful for this call that rose up like a road to meet me.
Spiritual Direction is a "one-to-one" ministry of coming alongside others to help them pay attention, become curious, and move toward the ongoing invitations of God to experience freedom, and enjoy life to the fullest as beloved sons and daughters in the Kingdom. The Selah Certificate Program is a two-year, cohort-based, low-residency course that’s preparing me to offer trained spiritual direction vocationally and ministerially among our local church as well as those the Holy Spirit connects with me from around the world. You can find out more or contact me with any questions on my Spiritual Direction page.
(5) photos from our Thanksgiving

(6) links to get ready for Advent
If you've ever considered following the ancient rhythms of the liturgical calendar, there's no better time to start than at the Church's New Year: Advent. Even if your church follows the civic calendar more prominently than the liturgical, you can follow along with your brothers and sisters in Christ across the globe from the quiet spaces of your own home. You could create -- figuratively or, even, literally -- a family altar. This does not have to be elaborate, time-consuming, or expensive. Simple tangible acts will impress themselves upon your hearts and minds for a lifetime: a book or two filled with rich images and time-tested writings, mealtime prayers, a candle or two.
Two links from the Homely Hours that I recommend especially if you have little ones living in your house.
(7) blog posts from this week in the archives
2017 - 7 Celebratory Quick Takes (Last year, when we said good-bye to a dear lady, welcomed our kids to Connecticut, visited family for Thanksgiving, and celebrated our anniversary with a professional photo shoot - all within about 10 days time!)
2015 - Why We Give New Names to Our Kids on Their 21st Birthdays
2014 - Monotonous Monogamy (In which my grandparents - who celebrated their 72nd wedding anniversary last month! - share some marriage advice.)
2011 - Our Weekly Mary Poppins Day (One of my best mom ideas ever! Moving by the seat of my pants during that short season of homeschooling a middle & high-schooler.)
2011 - Happy Advent Eve! (When we were still new at living out the church calendarAll sorts of Advent posts through the years at this link.)
2009 - I Wanna Marry You All Over Again (We celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary last week! You can read some of my wedding anniversary reflections at this link.)
2009 - Advent #2 (This post includes one of my all-time favorite poems, that manages to be true for Advent and pretty much any old day of the year.)
28 years ago
November 24, 1990
May your weekend include some time at home and some time with friends that welcome your tears as well as your laughter. Peace...
p.s. This post may contain affiliate links because I'm trying to be a good steward, and when you buy something through one of these links you don't pay more money, but in some magical twist of capitalism we get a little pocket change. Thanks!