October 3 for 3: the bounty of good work and community edition
What I've been up to lately plus work from other creators and cultivators who are helping us worship God, love people, and enjoy beauty - all arranged in lists of threes.
Tamara’s Note
October, you are a gift!
Where the unexpected losses and frustrations of August flooded us in September, October has been a refreshing, restorative month for us! Where the Lord has taken away, he also gives in bounty and fruitfulness.
My favorite moments this month involved gathering around tables for celebration, conversation, good food and drink. We attended an elopement ceremony, a welcome dinner, a baby shower, and Bible studies on front porches and in living rooms of friends. We swapped stories - hard and good - with old friends, new friends, and neighbors on back patios, neighborhood eateries, and around tables at our neighbor’s memorial service.
In a fruitful counterpoint, I’ve been reenergized in my work logging in many early-morning hours preparing the free 31-Day guide for cultivating Rhythms of Grace & a Rule of Life (there’s still time to join us, by the way!). This year, that work is spilling right into my favorite, favorite work of all time - preparing Advent Daybook Meditations. (Available soon!) Along the way, I took a writing course, completed the Rhythms of Grace retreat series, and joined a leader’s training cohort for a groundbreaking tool to help us hold better conversations in the world. And right in the middle of all that, God opened a door for me to serve alongside a team of strong, passionate leaders in our denomination. I didn’t plan for all of this to happen in one month but here I am, gathering up good work opportunities like the pile of leaves growing in our front yard. I’m overwhelmed by the goodness of God.
How was October for you? I’d love to hear what you’re reflecting on from the past month.
As we head into November, friends, may we recognize that we are held by close to the great heart of Christ.
p.s., Here are a few moments of goodness in October.
1. I’m sure you’ve already heard the news, but just in case….
I’m going to be a GRANDMOTHER! Kendra and Jordan are expecting their first child (our first grandchild) in December and we’re beginning to count down the days. Last weekend, with the help of family and church community, we threw a celebration showering Kendra with gifts. I wrapped up the clothes she wore home from the hospital when she was born and, yes, I cried a few tears. Joy!
2. The last couple of years I’ve devoted the majority of my work energy to building a Spiritual Direction practice. I’ve never been more certain of my calling in God’s kingdom economy than when I sit with someone else in the quiet to bear witness to God’s movement in their lives. The past few months I’ve begun adding some writing disciplines back into my work life - attending training, learning from those ahead of me, risking a few pitches to publishers. It’s slow work, and depends so much on an imagination not burdened by fear and shame. I’m forever grateful to those who’ve come alongside me along the way, offering support and opportunities to share words with the world.
In early October, I reconnected with Maureen Swinger, an editor turned friend, who consistently encourages and advocates for me. Thankfully on this visit I remembered to take a photo. Maureen, thank you for calling me a writer and a friend. Honor abounds.
3. What a joy this month to collaborate with our friends and neighbors at Congregation Rodeph Sholom to collect household goods for Afghan refugees moving into Bridgeport. The act of giving multiplied in the spirit of friendship with the synagogue who rents us our worship space to bless new neighbors from Afghanistan. Astonishing goodness!
Favorite Links
Monthly picks to help us worship God, love people, and enjoy beauty!
Worship God
A Sacramental Life Categories: Spiritual Direction & Practices | Liturgy & Church Calendar | Daily Work & Callings
You can be pretty sure this project will show up in the 2021 Advent Daybook Meditations! (There’s still time to support it.) - The Porter’s Gate
Who are the Church Mothers? I just signed up for this reading group. Who wants to join me? - Joy Clarkson
About 50 people signed up for my free 31-Day guide for cultivating Rhythms of Grace & a Rule of Life, and we’ve still got room for you! Sign up now to jump in with us! You’ll have access to the content from the days you’ve missed and be able to catch up on your own timeframe.
Love People
A Sacramental Life Categories: Family, Friends, Church & Neighbors | Peace & Justice | Wholeness & Healing
Our church prayed for COP26 which begins this Sunday. Get your updates here and get involved here.
We need small talk now more than ever. Rev. Tish Harrison Warren on how Americans can learn to live together again. - NYT Op-Ed (Note: Beyond small talk, I’d recommend this practice, or 3. I’m completing a leader cohort right now and will have more to share soon!)
With Indigenous Peoples Day and American Thanksgiving in October and November, now is the perfect time to read Unsettling Truths by Mark Charles and Soong-Chan Rah. Access (for free) the 14 -part video series hosted by the authors as well as purchase signed copies of the book from Mark Charles’ website here: https://wirelesshogan.com/2019/12/18/available-now-unsettling-truths/
Enjoy Beauty
A Sacramental Life Categories: Look, Listen, Make & Do | Creators & Cultivators | Reading & Writing
I collect this artist’s work and have my eye on a couple of the pieces in the Tide Pool collection . As Phaedra says, “Having things in your home that remind you of what you love, or of a moment in your life, or just of being known in a particular way, is such a delightful way to choose beauty.” The Tide Pool shop is open until November 15 and ships at the end of November - perfect for gift-giving! - Phaedra Jean Taylor
Not just for the first day of school anymore (and more delicious than ever!) - Tamara Hill Murphy
I’m on a podcast with one of my book reviewer heroes, John Wilson! Listen now to our episode focused on writing book reviews. ERB’s recording engineer Joel Wentz facilitates our discussion of the form of the book review, the tensions involved in writing reviews, and of course what they are currently reading. - Englewood Review of Books Podcast
Member Areas
The welcome mat is out. Come on in!
$17/mo. level
We’re welcoming one of my favorite guests to lead our November retreat. Kaley Ehret (my sister!) will help us prayerfully consider the transformative practice of gratitude.
A word about from our November retreat leader:
“This transformative practice, grounded in brain science, has offered me a lifeline to shift from anxious, swirling thoughts to a sense of being centered in joy. Gratitude is considered the on-ramp to joy and even more so when it is practiced in community!”
Find out more about Kaley’s work here: KaleyEhret.com
$5/mo. level
We’re coming to the close of our liturgical year! Each Sunday morning I send a devotional post for the coming week that dovetails Sunday’s lectionary readings with art, music, prayer, and readings for the rest of the week.
“This is so very powerful. Thank you for your ministry of speaking truth and arranging it in such beauty and easily accessible.”
$3/mo. level
In October I shared one of my more vulnerable stories on joining Jesus in interceding for my pastor, who also happens to be my husband.
Become and member and read it here: Go with your love to the fields.
“Your writing resonates so deep within my soul. Thank you for sharing so honestly with truth and grace! ”
Currently Reading
From the Book Pile 2021 | See my giant reading list here.
Bonus Feature
A playlist for a loungy Halloween weekend.
Here’s to another month of worshiping God, loving people, and enjoying beauty, friends!
Thank you so much for your continuous support. Every time you mention my spiritual direction offerings, retreats, writing or devotional guides to a friend, or engage on my social media accounts, you're helping to support my work that reaches beyond the scope of this website. I am grateful for your help!