Need encouragement to love your neighbor and love yourself in the unforced way of Jesus?
Our retreat series for Ordinary Time gathers for retreat #2 next week, August 26, friends. The Love My Neighbor & Myself retreat has a few open spots left. Want to join us?
We’ll meet 40 minutes for guided prayer, silence, and scripture reading, 40 minutes for individual reflection (offline) with the help of simple prompts included in the downloadable retreat guide, and 40 minutes for group spiritual direction with space for guided response and Q & A.
AUGUST 26: Love Neighbor & Self
11:30 am - 1:30 pm (Eastern)
Caring for self and neighbor: Hospitality, generosity, justice, and forgiveness.
To keep it simple, I’ll email you the day before the retreat with the Zoom link and retreat guide pdf. That's it. You just show up!
What retreat participants are saying
“I came away with a realization that, for some time, I have been skeptical that joyful fellowship with believers and attractive witness to the world (as described in Acts 2:42-47) is possible today. I asked myself, What if we enjoyed fellowship? What if we believed in a community that lived this out? What if church life was life-giving instead of draining? Is there any part of me (the real me) that I can give to this?”
“Tamara’s retreat forced me to slow down and reflect on Scripture, my life, and listen to the Spirit in ways I don’t normally stop to do. It was refreshing to set this time aside to hear from God - and God certainly spoke to me! I’m eager to make these extended times of reflection more of a habit on my own. ”
“During the retreat, God opened my eyes to see a root cause of a lie I was believing.”
All the details
Read below or download the pdf brochure to share with friends
Let’s take Jesus up on his invitation to watch, and walk, and work with him in unforced rhythms of grace.
If finances are keeping you from joining, just reply to with your specific request. I'd be delighted to have you participate in a retreat and I know a payment plan or scholarship might be just the thing.
Thank you so much for your continuous support. Every time you mention my spiritual direction offerings, retreats or devotional guides to a friend, or engage on my social media accounts, you're helping to support my work. I am grateful for your encouragement!