Have a great weekend, friends.
What I've been up to lately...
1 podcast I enjoyed
On Being with Krista Tippett: Glenn Beck. Woah. She's not messing around with this whole Civil Conversations Project.
2 places we visited
Believe it or not, Brian and I spent several days in Southern California this past week for an Anglican conference, and I didn't take one single photo to share! Here's a few other places we enjoyed...
A good man from our church gave us the work VIP tickets he couldn't use. The Yanks lost, but we loved our time anyway!
For Mother's Day, I asked my family to kit me out for a summer full of beach days. Here's my first time out with the new beach chair and umbrella.
3 books I'm reading
The Gospel in Gerard Manley Hopkins: Selections from His Poems, Letters, Journals, and Spiritual Writings Edited by Margaret Ellsberg
At Home In the World: Reflections on Belonging While Wandering the Globe by Tsh Oxenreider
The Nine Tailors (A Lord Peter Wimsey Mystery) by Dorothy L. Sayers
4 links I loved
Summer Reading Guide 2017. I'm trying to catch up on all the un-read books on my shelves instead of following a themed reading list this year, but I can't ignore these great suggestions for summer reads. | via Modern Mrs. Darcy
Bring Back the Sabbath. Maybe if the NY Times tells us to do it, church people will pay attention? | via The New York Times Magazine
Parents: Prepare Your Children For Missions, Even When It's Risky. This was a great reminder: "I will have to balance my desire to keep them safe and to let them risk all for the sake of Christ and his gospel." | via IMB
Fifty Things About My Mother. What a sweet, sweet post. Someday I may try my hand at a list like this. For now, I have this poem I wrote for my mom a few years ago. | via Slate
5 posts from this week in the archives
2016 - We're moving: a stream-of-consciousness reflection
2013 - We are the Pentecost-ed (on the loss of our dear friend Dick Chote)
2009 - Confession [disciplines for the inner life] - part 1 & part 2
2008 - Pick your own metaphor (the horse-bee-angels who helped us move in 2008)
Moving in May is a semi-regular occurrence for us (5 times since 2008). Here's the Christ Church Austin crew that helped us in 2012. Gosh, I loved that house.
May your weekend include sunshine, beauty and a good laugh, friends. Peace...
p.s. This post contains affiliate links because I'm trying to be a good steward, and when you buy something through one of these links you don't pay more money, but in some magical twist of capitalism we get a little pocket change. Thanks!