A retreat series to keep company with Jesus during Ordinary Time

Rhythms of Grace Retreat Series for Ordinary Time 2021

During each retreat, we’ll meet 40 minutes for guided prayer, silence, and scripture reading, 40 minutes for individual reflection (offline) with the help of simple prompts included in the downloadable retreat guide, and 40 minutes for group spiritual direction with space for guided response and Q & A. Register for all 3 retreats here or each retreat individually in the shop.

Let’s take Jesus up on his invitation to watch, and walk, and work with him in unforced rhythms of grace.

We’ll consider what it means to come to Jesus with our weary questions about worshiping in the world and the church, loving our neighbors and ourselves, and enjoying our work and our rest.

Each contemplative retreat comes with a downloadable guidebook plus guidebook, recommended resources, and additional opportunities to connect throughout Ordinary Time.

Click through the link if you’d prefer to purchase the retreat individually.

JULY 1: Worship in the World & Church

11:30 am - 1:30 pm (Eastern)

Bearing witness to the gospel as people gathered and dispersed: Praying & giving, healing & confronting, embracing & reconciling.

AUGUST 26: Love Neighbor & Self

11:30 am - 1:30 pm (Eastern)

Caring for self and neighbor: Hospitality, generosity, justice, and forgiveness.

OCTOBER 14: Enjoy Work & Rest

11:30 am - 1:30 pm (Eastern)

Tending to fruitful work and refreshing rest: vocation, stewardship, sabbath, beauty, and thanksgiving.


  • retreat series guidebook (pdf) with simple practices and prompts

  • guidance for spiritual practices that you’ll continue to cultivate as the retreat series unfolds

  • instructions for making your own Neighborhood prayer walk to align your intercession with your outer landscape

  • three virtual community gatherings led by a trained spiritual director and experienced facilitator

  • one free month of membership to Daybook Meditations for additional Scripture, prayer, playlists and practices for Ordinary Time

  • ideas to help you to continue to integrate the themes of World & Church, Neighbor & Self, and Work & Rest into your everyday life

  • an invitation to a private message group on Instagram to connect with other community members between gatherings

Three retreats for Ordinary Time that work together or individually as you’re able

How do these retreats help us live into Ordinary Time?

I love the wisdom of the church calendar to give us six months to respond to the other half of the liturgical calendar’s dramatic retelling of Jesus’ birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension. Some churches refer to these weeks as “weeks after Pentecost” beginning with the first Sunday after Pentecost also known as Trinity Sunday. There are a few more variations, but I’ve found it more fruitful to worry less about what to call these weeks between Pentecost and Advent, and instead to focus and become more deeply formed in the theology of the church’s intentions.

What does it mean that half of our calendar is left open to the ordinary? What does it tell us about the God who created and gives purpose to our lives?

In the words of theology professor Wendy Wright, Ordinary Time is a season:

“…to become attentive to the call of discipleship both outer and inner. What are we called to do? … What are we called to be?”

The purpose of A Sacramental Life retreat is to set apart time and space to keep company with each other and Jesus by listening to the Spirit, scripture, and our own lives. Contemplative Bible reading, listening prayer, and personal reflection are central features of each of these facilitated experiences.

My hope is for each participant to grow in their capacity to pay attention, become curious, and move toward the ongoing invitations of God.

When you register for the retreat series, you’ll receive access to all three virtual retreats, a guidebook to download right away with additional pages added throughout Ordinary Time. The following resources are also included for each retreat participant: I hope that many of you will keep company with me and Jesus in our retreat series this Ordinary Time.

May you know that you are welcomed, loved, and respected here, and may you sense the nearness of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in each encounter.

Peace, friend,

p.s., I hope lots of you will invite your friends to join us too! Share this post to tell your friends! Make the invitation even sweeter by purchasing a gift certificate (starting at $25 value) in my new SHOP!

Gift Card
from $7.00